[The Steve Karg Family][Karg's.net]

This is the website of the Steve and Patricia Karg family, descendants of Christopher Karg. We have a short Christopher Karg Family History on the site. Send an e-mail to the webmaster and say Hello!

The following graphics are not popups or banners - they are simply graphical hypertext links. They make it easy for us to select the site we want to visit.

Google Search Engine Slashdot - news for nerds Google News Karg's Kid Pages
Ebay - The World's Online Marketplace Paypal - PayPal is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online. Amazon.com - Books, Movies, Music, and more!
Google Mail Google Maps Google Calendar
Wells Fargo Avadian Credit Union Facebook You-Tube
BACnet Children's Health System - Birmingham Amway - Nutrition, Health, Home, Opportunity.
Hallmark Greeting Cards Catholic Cards Orbitz - Visit Planet Earth
 Wikipedia! An open-content encyclopedia in many languages. Karg Service Company LLC Internet Movie DataBase Wiktionary is a collaborative project to produce a free multilingual dictionary in every language, with definitions, etymologies and pronunciations.
Cub Scout Pack 326 The Watt Stopper / Legrand Boy Scout Troop 226
Linux Online Debian GNU/Linux GNU's Not Unix Ubuntu Linux
Mapquest mapping services

Search Open Directory

Photo Album

Click for Hoover, Alabama Forecast

Family Photos
Photos of Joshua
Photos of Joshua's Robots
Photos of Anna
Photos of Chris
Photos of our Pets
Photos of Fireworks
Photos from America-24/7 - a contest
Panorama Photos
Photos for desktop Wallpaper
Photos of Horses
Photos of Canadian Snowbirds Jet Performance
Photos of Steve's Woodworking
Photos of Thomas the Tank Engine
Photos of Trains
Steve's Flickr
Steve's Tookapic
Patricia's Tookapic
Anna's Tookapic


Christopher Karg Family History
Boy Scout Troop 11 - From Oil City, Pennsylvania - A History


Steve Karg's Resume or the PDF version.
Lou Karg's Resume

Politics and Current Events

Project Vote Smart is a useful resource for candidate information. You can also use these web sites for learning about the candidates in your area. They also have localized information for your area as well. National Right to Life, Christian Coalition of America all have pro-life information regarding elections in your area. Remember that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not worth much without LIFE! Of course, someone could also implement a voting system that has no voter-verifiable audit trail and you wouldn't know if your vote counted or not. Many electronic voting systems do just that.

We currently live in Hoover, Alabama, in Shelby County. Local Alabama news can be found at AL.com.

We used to live in Conyers, Georgia. Conyers has a newspaper called The Rockdale Citizen. Conyers is in Rockdale County, part of the Atlanta metro area. It is served by The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. We also have talk radio in the area on AM 750 WSB. They host Neil Boortz, a political commentator, and Clark Howard, a consumer advocate.

The Derrick - Newspaper from Oil City, Pennsylvania.

The Anniston Star - Newspaper from Anniston, Alabama.

SlashDot - News for Nerds

New Scientist - Interactive magazine and science news stories.


Here are some handy worksheets that Steve made using the free OpenOffice.org Office Suite. We use the lined paper for writing spelling words, sentences, stories, and other written homework.

Catholic Homeschooling - Free Catholic curricula, Catholic Heritage Curricula, Online Curriculum Catalog, and Mom's support.

Explorer Webstar is the work of individuals who variously describe themselves as Explorers, Hunters, and Creative types. What they have in common are the traits of attention deficit disorder (ADD) and the belief that these traits are not always the result of a brain defect. On the contrary, they see their "quirks" simply as trade-offs for gifts such as creativity and inventiveness, a perspective which is backed by science and history.

Here is a Patient Care Chart for nurses to use. Steve created the PDF using the PDF export feature of OpenOffice.org Office Suite. Here is the editable patient care chart drawing.

Children and Computers: A Call for Action - Computers are reshaping children's lives, at home and at school, in profound and unexpected ways. Common sense suggests that we consider the potential harm, as well as the promised benefits, of this change.

The University of Phoenix - a private university where Steve got his Master of Science in Computer Information Systems. They offer degree programs for working adults that are highly relevant, accessible, and efficient.

Geneva College - a private college where Steve got his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.

Jacksonville State University - a university where Patricia got her Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Jefferson State Community College - a junior college that Joshua attended.


The Feingold® Association of the United States A diet for treatment of a behavior or health problem that eliminates 1) Artificial food dye and flavors [petroleum-based additives] 2) BHA, BHT, TBHQ [petroleum-based preservatives] 3) Salicylate-containing foods. Also eliminates non-food products, like soap, that contain the above items.

Online Asperger Syndrome Information & Support


The Karg's Kids Page is a fun place to start.

Software Engineering

Steve's Software Trek
The Personal Software Process (with ANSI C source code)
An object oriented elevator simulator design (with C++ source code)
Transfer Rates and Distance for Various Connections
A list of Linux Resources.
A list of Embedded Software Programming Resources.
A list of Open Source Software for Windows.

A BACnet Protocol Stack library that is used in a BACnet Development Kit


Got some spare time, an interest in proofreading, and a desire to help make famous and important text freely available to everyone in the world? Visit Distributed Proofreading to compare scanning output to text, and help Project Gutenberg to put more free books online!

I used to use an old 486 computer loaded with IPCop for a firewall. We currently use a lower wattage home wireless router. We have an Apache web server at home made from PC that was discarded by a friend. It is running Ubuntu Server, a derivative of Debian GNU/Linux. Steve registered the domain karg.us which points to our home network. Since our internet access uses DHCP and the IP address changes occasionally, Steve uses the free service at ZoneEdit to keep the IP address updated. Steve runs a small perl script that goes to ZoneEdit, looks at our IP address and compares it to the one that it has cached. If it has changed, it updates the DNS entry at ZoneEdit. We also use an alternate port for web services since port 80 is sometimes blocked at the ISP. We have used Comcast, Cox, and our current ISP is Charter


Anencephaly Net
Memorial page for Mary Elizabeth Karg, our daughter.

Anencephaly Support Foundation - information, personal stories, and medical articles regarding the neural-tube defect of anencephaly.


Webmail at Catholic.org.

Webmail at Lycos.

Webmail at Yahoo.


Mary Kay - Patricia is an independent beauty consultant.

Amazon.com - Books and things...

PriceWatch - Mostly electronic stuff around the net, sorted by price.

Be sure to check your products before you buy at Consumer Reports. Also stop over at Clark Howard's site for lots of consumer tips. He is our local consumer advocate.

You have a right to privacy in the United States. Know your Privacy Rights. They also have great information if you identity has been borrowed or stolen.


Creation of the Earth: Institute for Creation Research, Creation-Science Research Center, Evolution Refuter, and Christian Answers.

The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) is the astronomical research center responsible for operating the Hubble Space Telescope as an international observatory.

Have you received an Urban Legend or Scam via e-mail lately? Not sure? Check out the validity of those outrageous claims at Snopes.


St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers - an informal international network of Christian men, under the patronage of St. Joseph, dedicated to strengthening the family. Our local group uses Yahoo! Groups to keep in touch.

Focus On the Family - a ministry that is dedicated to the preservation of the home and family.

The Family Research Council - reaffirms and promotes nationally, and particularly in Washington, DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built.

National Right to Life - a pro-life reference.

The Archdiocese of Atlanta was our local diocese when we lived in Conyers. The Diocese of Birmingham is our local diocese. You can use the internet to find mass times when you're visiting another city.


Car Talk - from the weekly show on 450 National Public Radio stations, it's Tom and Ray Magliozzi (aka "Click and Clack The Tappet Brothers"). On a more serious note regarding the purchase of a used vehicle - no matter what type of warranty you receive on your used car purchase, spend the extra money to have the vehicle inspected by an independent ASE-certified mechanic. Also, pay the $20 to run a title, salvage and odometer check with CarFax. Review new and used car values before making a purchase at Edmunds, Kelly Blue Book, or Cars Direct. You can find out info about your car at The Center for Auto Safety and at NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

I enjoy woodworking and grew up among trees and Dad's sawmill, so here are a couple of tree identifier databases online: dendrology, Ohio Trees, U-Conn Database of trees, shrubs and vines, and Forestry Library at About.com which has a list of 100 popular North American commercial tree species, quick stats, images, and silviculture with links to the best tree information sites on the internet.

We enjoy photography, and learning about photographic techniques. Some of our favorite sites include Kodak - Taking Great Pictures and Kodak - Guide to Photographing Special Situations. There are also collections of professional and amatuer photographs on the internet. See Webshots - Your world of Photos and OpenPhoto Net. We also enjoy art, and using tools such as The Gnu Image Manipulation Program. Want to get good at photo and art retouching? Try working on their Tutorials, or just study Grokking the GIMP. Think you are good? Try to stare at Larry's Face. We also like looking at other photographer sites like Vadim Makarov and Philip Greenspun of Photo.net fame. There are lots of great tips for photographers at Popular Photography magazine. Steve likes making panorama pictures, like Max Lyons or Brian Caldwell. There are free tools for creating panorama pictures such as Hugin, PTBCBGui, or PanoPoints.

We also enjoy music. Steve plays guitar and has played since high school. We like to listen to music online, and find Magnatune a great place to find new music. There are other sites for independent music such as DMusic, IC-MusicMedia, or Lulu.

Troop 226, Hoover, Alabama, is the local Boy Scout Troop where Steve participates as an Assistant Scoutmaster and webmaster. While we lived in San Marcos, California, Steve and Joshua were members of Troop 722, Vista, California. BSA Troop 410, Conyers, Georgia - was our local Boy Scout Troop where Steve participated as an Assistant Scoutmaster. Steve also participated as a Den Leader in Pack 410.

GeoCaching - Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for gps (or map and compass) users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a gps unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache.

Steve found this site, The National P.O.L.I.C.E. Suicide Foundation, after Michael died. Michael Beasley was the husband of Denise, and father to Caitlen. We will miss him.

Internet Tools

Google - a very fast and often accurate search tool.

Alta Vista Search Tool - an evolving search service that is an invaluable tool for finding information on the Web. Also has translation facilities that have made it possible for words, phrases, and even entire web sites to be translated into many different languages.

Geek Tools If you are always looking for a way to have all the external network resources that you use often, at your fingertips (and all sorts of cool tools that seem to be in different places that kept moving and disappearing as people moved around the net, from company to company), here is a website, capable of being used by any browser including LYNX, with minimal color (16) and minimal resolution (640 x 480), with no cookies, or Java.

Designing websites is kind of an art, but you certainly could design Web Pages That Suck. The remedy is to fix your website and study standard and accessable website design at World Wide Web Consortium and Any Browser. Dr. Jakob Nielsen's Website, useit.com, contains great information on usable information technology, specifically about website design. DDJ debunks the Myth of "Seven, Plus or Minus Two", and UIE tests the Three Click Rule. Larry and friends have published Best Practices in Web Design. The U.S. Government uses Research Based Web Design and Usability Guidelines.

Domain Name Registration and Hosting - some comparisons of a couple of registrars and hosting services.

My Other Websites

Steve's Software Trek
Steve Karg at Angelfire
Steve Karg at Tripod
Steve Karg at Netcom - Steve used to have a home page at Netcom/Mindspring/Earthlink, but then we got high speed access at home.

Page created by: The Karg Family

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